Converting an EV PL-76 or 1776 microphone to p48 powering

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The resistors could be 1/8w, The zener diode could be a 250mW part, or it could be a 1W part (1N number will be different). The electrolytic capacitor is plain vanilla, and the value can deviate (larger is ok, higher voltage is ok), but when it`s all done, it has to fit inside the battery compartment. Cut a piece of vectorboard that fits across the flats of the battery compartment.

Converting an EV PL-76 or 1776 microphone to p48 powering
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Tin snips work just fine. Lacking that, you can score the board by dragging a sharp knife across the perfs several times, then flex the board against the cut marks to encourage it to break along the scoring. Build the circuit on the vectorboard. Fasten with tape. To build a circuit using Vectorboard, push the leads through the board, then bend them flat against the board, bending them to approximate a printed circuit board. Lay the leads of different components across each other and solder. You`ll need to access the connector. Locate the connector`s locking screw at the end of the microphone. Turn the screw counterclockwise to loosen it. This is a Switchcraft insert, so the screw retracts INSIDE the connector, and you can now grab one of the pins with a pair of pliers and gently pull it loose (lest you break the wires attached to it). Now you can solder the wires going to the vectorboard to pins 1, 2, and 3. Then thread the wires back into the battery compartment and reinsert the connector insert. Remember to lock the connector in place by turning the insert screw clockwise.

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