Electrical Systems and Circuits

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A central door locking system permits all doors, often including the boot lid or tailgate, to be locked centrally from the driver`s door and, normally includes the front passenger`s door also. The locking and unlocking action is produced by an electro-mechanical device, such as a solenoid or an electric motor. The door key operates a switch which

Electrical Systems and Circuits
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controls the electrical supply that actuates the door lock mechanism and the remote control activates a switching circuit in the electronic control module (ECM) that also actuates the locking mechanism. For safety and convenience, the interior door handles also operate the unlocking mechanism. The remote control operates in much the same way as the remote control for a domestic television. A unique code is transmitted from the remote control which is normally contained in the ignition key. Two types of transmitter are used, infra-red and radio frequency. The electronic control module (ECM) that controls the supply of current to the door lock actuators contains a sensor that detects infra-red signals or, in the case of radio frequency systems, an aerial to detect the radio frequency signal. The remote signal is normally effective over a range of several metres. Figure. 12. 1 shows the general principle of central locking systems.

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