High current output switching power supply Schematic Diagram

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This is low voltage high-current ouput, switching dc power supplly wiht input 220 Volts AC, In this circuit, an St2 diac relaxation oscilator, Q3, C1, and the diac, initiates conduction of the output switching transistor Q1, the on time of which is maintained constant by a separate timing / commutation network consisting of Q2, C2, SUS, an

High current output switching power supply Schematic Diagram
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d SCR 1. See schmeatic diagram below : The output voltage, consequently, is independent on the duty cycle. To compensate for unwanted variations of output voltage because of input voltage or load resistance fluctuations, an H11C wired as a liniear - model unilateral pnp transistor in a stable different amplifier configuration is connected into the galvanically isolated negative- feedback loop. You are reading the Circuits of High current output switching power supply And this circuit permalink url it is

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