ICX424 Minimal Head (A2076) Manual

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The ICX424 Minimal Head (A2075) holds a single ICX424 image sensor and an optional pair of illumination LEDs. Power and drive signals enter the circuit board through a twelve-way flex connector. Three capacitors provide local de-coupling of the supplies. The image sensor output is routed directly to the connector without buffering. The A2076 opera

ICX424 Minimal Head (A2076) Manual
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tes in conjunction with IXC424 drive board such as the Camera Head ( A2075 ). The A2076 will accommodate both the monochrome (IXC424AL) and color mosaic (IXC424AQ) versions of the image sensor. For a detailed discussion of these sensors see the A2075 Manual. Figure: A2076A with Image Sensor. Silk screen markings and mounting holes locate a CMT821 lens holder, which provides an 12-mm diameter, 0. 5-mm pitch thread for lens assemblies. The thread allows us to focus the camera. This version provides no LED illumination. The A2076A and A2076B use the same circuit board, the A207601A, but are equipped with the ICX424AL monochrome and ICX424AQ color mosaic image sensors respectively. The board provides mounting holes on each corner, as well as two mounting holes for a lens holder. The lens holder accepts any lens assembly with an M12, 0. 5-mm pitch thread. Figure: A2076A with Fish-Eye Lens. The lens is a DSL215 mounted in a CMT821 lens-holder. The circuit is oriented so that it provides a an upright image in the Camera Instrument, and held in place with yellow mounting clay. The A2076C, shown below, provides two LEDs in 3-mm radial packages for illumination of the field of view. As shown in the circuit diagram, the LEDs are connected in series to +15V. We can either provide a permanent path to 0V through resistor R1, or we can connect power to the LEDs using the L signal on J1-11. In the circuit shown below, we use R1 to provide...

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