IR Remote Control Extender Circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is an improved IR remote control extender circuit. It has high noise immunity, is resistant to ambient and reflected light and has an increased range from remote control to the extender circuit of about 7 meters. It should work with any domestic apparatus that use 36-38kHz for the IR carrier frequency. Please note that this is NOT compatible

IR Remote Control Extender Circuit
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with some satellite receivers that use 115KHz as a carrier frequency. The main difference between this version and the previous circuit, is that this design uses a commercially available Infra Red module. This module, part number IR1 is available from Harrison Electronics in the UK. The IR module contains a built in photo diode, amplifier circuit and buffer and decoder. It is centerd on the common 38kHz carrier frequency that most IR controls use. The module removes most of the carrier allowing decoded pulses to pass to the appliance. Domestic TV`s and VCR`s use extra filtering is used to completely remove the carrier. The IR1 is packaged in a small aluminium case, the connections viewed from underneath are shown below: The IR1 module (IC3) operates on 5 Volt dc. This is provided by the 7805 voltage regulator, IC1. Under quiescent (no IR signal) conditions the voltage on the output pin is high, around 5 volts dc. This needs to be inverted and buffered to drive the IR photo emitter LED, LED2. The buffering is provided by one gate (pins 2 & 3) of a hex invertor the CMOS 4049, IC2. The IR1 module can directly drive TTL logic, but a pull-up resistor, R4 is required to interface to CMOS IC`s. This resistor ensures that the signal from a remote control will alternate between 0 and 5 volts. As TTL logic levels are slightly different from CMOS, the 3. 3k resistor R4 is wired to the 5 volt supply line ensuring that the logic high...

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