Infrared Remote control transmitters

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is Infrared Remote control transmitter circuit has high performance and can be applied to works with the various infrared receiver circuit. To made easily. And best to save your money. - Then another circuits, is designed to have wider applications. Can be set program that will be must have a beam of infrared light to circuits few times to wo

Infrared Remote control transmitters
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rk. -But in real applications. We need to enter the signal pulse with a frequency of about 5kHz, to the infrared diode, for eliminate the various interference. And reduce the power supplied to the diode. In the first circuits, to be a simple infrared transmitter with IC-555 timer to an oscillator generator at frequency of 5kHz, that is set with R1, R2 and C2. The output signal will have signal period on-off 1:1 If you want the infrared transmitter that has the signal strength is very high. You can be done by adding the output transistors. Enable With the infrared diodes up to three tubes. Be seen from the circuit, IC 555 use to function frequency generator is 5000Hz as well. The frequency of the circuit is determined by the VR1, R1, R2 and C1, we can customize the frequency by adjusting VR1. Output of IC is supplied to the transistor Q1-BD137 to drive infrared diodes with high current to 100mA. Risisetars R3 in the circuit should not be less than 3. 9 ohm as it may cause damage to TR1. R4 and LED1 to indicate that the voltage supply to the circuits. This is an infrared transmitters signal circuit that is small size and using a power supply 1. 5V only. by main electronic part are two the LM3909 (a LED Flasher Oscillator IC) Normally, we tend to put it to use as a simple flashing light circuit. Using a 1. 5V low power supply, it`s working now, Easier to use transistors. The high frequency, it is very simple, just change the...

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