Joulethief SEC exciter and variants 64

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

After some more time with the circuit, the variable pot certainly brings in more useful results than I expected. Had linked draw to pot position and LED brightness, but not to transistor on-time. It should be obvious and now is, after reading your p

Joulethief SEC exciter and variants 64
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ost. @Lightning - if still looking for solutions, i`d say check out Zener diodes. I don`t understand all about them myself, but they will break down at many different voltages depending on type and then might trip an `Off` circuit at that voltage. It`s wound with approx 600 turns of 30 gauge wire from Mabuchi RF-300 motors/printout calculator solenoids/PC floppy drive coils or maybe even folks buy such wire new lol. Circuit is a physically condensed Slayer exciter, using a standard and very normal C1815 as transistor, nothing fancy. The normal LED for a transistor is replaced with a 1N4148 diode, to further reduce size. The circuit for the LED is from one of Lidmotor`s circuits, the sMartCreations one you may have seen on his YouTube channel from March, that powers a pulse motor. ya know ive ben meaning to ask, would it be alright if i made an instructables page detailing the build and basic operation of a slayer exciter, i found that there are few mainstream sites that have any info about this sort of tech. quite sad really. and there are a large amount of builders out there who enjoy playing with tesla sort of stuff. and a bigger following could mean more advances in it. i don`t know the last time slayer looked at this thread but i think idt be worth it if he at least thought about it. ya know ive ben meaning to ask, would it be alright if i made an instructables page detailing the build and basic operation of a slayer...

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