Korg Releases monotribe Drum Schematics

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

As they did with the monotron synthesizer, Korg has quietly released schematics for its the analog drum synthesis portion of its monotribe synth and step-sequencing rhythm machine. You just see the bits that make the drum sounds, but that`s the interesting and modifiable part. In order to grab the download, you`ll need to fill out a form with your

Korg Releases monotribe Drum Schematics
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

name and address, saying you acknowledge you`re voiding the warranty and that you won`t turn around and sue Korg. That address doesn`t get used for anything, though, so long as you uncheck the newsletter  box. Once you do, you get a high-res PDF (low-res image above) with the schematics, marked public. (Liability I know is an important issue. You never know; you might swallow the drum circuits and then sue Korg for feeling ill afterwards. Or something. Ask a lawyer. ) As for the design itself, it`s a notably simple design by Hiroaki Nishijima, an elegantly-minimal set of analog circuits for producing sound. As such, it should be ripe for modification. In fact, the first thing I`d be inclined to do is, rather than void a monotribe`s warranty, simply breadboard this circuit, which would make for exceedingly easy variations on the same basic layout. You might even wind up with something else. (One nice touch in the design: look at how the noise source is cleverly and necessarily linked to hat and snare sounds. ) Mods have also worked with MIDI a port is hidden on the board but apparently with sometimes-disappointing timing results. More promising is the thought of new drum sounds, and even some breadboarded drum circuits outside the monotribe itself. And that`s what I think is admirable about Korg`s approach: in the earlier days of sound and music electronics, publishing these kinds of schematics was the norm. As opposed to...

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