MRC DCC Decoder

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The AD322 is an 8 amp G-Scale DCC decoder. The notes below may be of benefit to owners who wish to understand or repurpose (`hack`) the decoder. It has a rather full set of functions that could easily be repurposed for a number of other projects. One modification that comes to mind is to add two reed switches so that magnets on the track can trigg

MRC DCC Decoder
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

er the bell and/or horn. This would be valuable for those who don`t have those functions on their DCC Controller. By testing each pin with an oscilloscope I gleaned the following by cycling through various functions on the board. Note that pin 1 is in the upper right corner in the photo - next to the small round dimple. Pins are counted 1-10 from right to left for the top row and 11-20 from left to right across the bottom.

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