Microfluidics Research

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

We present a simple and high-throughput microfluidic system for diffusion-based monolayer yeast cell culture monitoring. The technique takes advantage of gas solubility and elasticity of PDMS. Yeast cells are patterned into the micro-cavity array with a suitable height (4 m) that keeps the cells in monolayer during the cell division. As a demons

Microfluidics Research
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tration, we apply this technology to investigate budding yeast and fission yeast cultures and show that it permits single-cell resolution over many cellular generations. Our results show that the technique provides an easy way to study the phenotype of single yeast cell cycle or cell-cell communication in high-throughput microfluidic system. Fig. 1 (a) Pattern for the2-layer microfluidic device fabrication. Layer 1: 100 square cavities with different side lengths (100, 125, 150, 175, 200 m); 100 square cavities with side lengths of 150 m. Layer 2: the mainchannel; (b) The top view and side view of the microfluidic device, Each cavity has a capillary of 40 m width ready to be connected to the mainchannel. (c) Procession of cells loaded into the cavity 2. Diffusion-based concentration control in microcavities during long time period by programmed syringe pumps, Guangwei si, Xuejun zhu, Yangsen Kang, Chunxiong Luo*, Qi Ouyang*, Yong Chen We propose a programmed syringe pumps system for diffusion-based concentration control in microcavities. Fluorescein is used to demonstrate the influence of different duration s of unvarying injecting speed and different sizes of microcavities on the concentration control and distribution in the microcavities. With longer duration of unvarying injecting speed and smaller size of microcavities, the concentration control of the microcavities will be more consistent with the input signal. Using...

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