Muscular Bio-Stimulators

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The Bio-Stimulator provides muscles` stimulation and invigoration but, mainly, it`s an aid in removing cellulitis. Tape the electrodes to the skin at both ends of the chosen muscle and rotate P1 knob slowly until a light itch sensation is perceived. Each session should last about 30 - 40 minutes. IC1 generates 150 µSec. pulses at about 80Hz frequency.

Muscular Bio-Stimulators
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Q1 acts as a buffer and Q2 inverts the pulses` polarity and drives the Transformer. Output pulses` amplitude is set by P1 and approximately displayed by LED D1 brightness. D2 protects Q2 against high voltage peaks generated by T1 inductance during switching. T1 is a small mains transformer 220 to 12V @ 100 or 150mA. It must be reverse connected i. e. : the 12V secondary winding to Q2 Collector and ground, and the 220V primary winding to output electrodes. In any case P1 should be operated by the "patient", starting with the knob fully counter-clockwise, then rotating it slowly clockwise until the LED starts to illuminate. Stop rotating the knob when a light itch sensation is perceived. In some cases a greater pulse duration can be more effective in cellulitis treatment. Try changing R2 to 5K6 or 10K maximum: stronger pulses will be easily perceived and the LED will shine more brightly. Electrodes can be obtained by small metal plates connected to the circuit`s output via usual electric wire and can be taped to the skin. In some cases, moistening them with little water has proven useful. SW1 should be ganged to P1 to avoid abrupt voltage peaks on the "patient`s" body at switch-on, but a stand alone SPST switch works quite well, provided you remember to set P1 knob fully counter-clockwise at switch-on. Some commercial sets have four, six or eight output electrodes. To obtain this you can retain the part of the circuit...

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