Project Tutorial

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A 8051 microcontroller based electronics project. This demo project explains how to make a car parking system automated. Here, there is a multi floor parking system, and a lift will take your car to the appropriate parking area depending on the cars that are already occupied in the system. Use some cardboard sheets to make the building and

Project Tutorial
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take some toy cars to have a demo! Automatic multi-stored car parking systemis very good substitute for car parking area. Since in modern world, where space has become a very big problem and in the era of miniaturization its become a very crucial necessity to avoid the wastage of space in modern, big companies and apartmentsetc. In space where more than 100 cars need to be parked, it`s avery difficult task to do and also to reduce the wastage of area, this system can be used. This Automatic Car Parking enables the parking of vehicles-floor after floor and thus reducing the space used. Here any number of cars can be park according to requirement. This makes the system modernizedand even a space-saving one. This idea is developed using 8051 Microcontroller. Here program is written according to this idea using 8051. A display is provided at the ground floor which is basically a counter that displays number of cars in each floor. It informs whether the floors are fully filled with the cars or is it having place in a particular floor or not. There is facility of lift to carry the car to up and down. Movement of Lift is controlled by stepper motor. An indicator with a green and red LED is kept in all the floors to indicate whether the lift is busy or is it ready to take the car up or down. If the redLED glowsthat means the lift is already engaged and the person has to wait for the green LED to glow. In this project we have...

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