Random timer circuit using a Attiny24A

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This random timer circuit is based on a Atmel ATTINY24 avr driving one power relay. You can use this circuit to switch on and off other circuits randomly. For example, when using this circuit on a model railroad you can turn on and off parts of the animated or moving scenery to create a more dynamic view. This circuit was designed to be used on a

Random timer circuit using a Attiny24A
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modular model railroad. This model railroad contains different flashing light on ambulances, police cars and fire engines. These lights are on all the time, with this circuit I hope to keep visitors of a model railroad exposition more interested while watching all the action. The schematic of the random timer circuit is divided into different functionality blocks. The power supply block stabilizes the 12V and protects the power input for reverse polarity. There is a standard 7805 voltage stabilizer to supply 5V to the microcontroller. The input block consists of 3 potentiometers and one button. The potentiometers can be used to configure the on and off time, and the amount of random time. ADC0 is connected the the potentiometer which configures the amount of random time between 0% and 500% extra time. ADC1 configures the off time between 1 and 60 seconds. ADC2 configures the on time in the random timer circuit. The button is there just because I like buttons, it has no functionality. Actually, the prototype of theG‚random timer circuit I made was using one of my other boards ( the tiny dcc decoder for 8 leds ), this board already has the button, so there you go. The processor block is where all the math takes place. The ATTINY24 reads the inputs and calculates the on and off times in the random timer circuit. The ATTINY24 contains a program with predefined random number generated with my online random number generator....

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