Real Time Clock Using AT89C4051

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Port 1 of the controller (AT89C4051) is used as the data lines for the LCD (starting from pin 7- pin14 of LCD). here i am using a 16 x 2 lines LCD display. In the first line, I`ll display `DAY` and `DATE`, in the second line, i am displaying `TIME` with am/pm. Port 3 is used for the clock setting and it also provides the necessary control signals for the LCD.

Real Time Clock Using AT89C4051
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

As shown in the diagram, switch3 will be used to select the parameter which need to be changed, switch 1 and 2, are used to increase or decrease the selected parameter value. The source code for the project is written in C-language, and compiled using Keil C compiler, you can download the c-code, schematic, and if you don`t have a cross compiler then you can directly burn the HEX file on to your chip, clock. zip. NOTE: If you think that there is a problem in the availability of the chip mentioned in the schematic, then you can also use AT89C51/AT89C52, make sure that you are using the same port for LCD and switches which are there in the C-file or in the schematic.

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