Robotrex Robotic Dinasaur

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Here is our robotic project; Robotrex. A robotic dinosaur. Its name comes from the words `Robot` and `tyrosaurus-Rex`. Inspired from our older projects `Bigfoot` and `the Goggles`, this project was built specially for our endtas. com fair stand in 2004 Izmir international fair. Instead of forgetting it around somewhere under dust i worked on a plyw

Robotrex Robotic Dinasaur
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ood cutting plan and a computer model of it to share the project with our visitors. The Robotrex uses the walking principle of the "Bigfoot". But along with the placing of servos to its foot shape and the center of gravity, it has got some important structural improvements which are the results of a careful study which took several days of time before the fair. Just like the Bigfoot, this robot is also powered by two servos. But with one big difference instead of the servo placing scheme of the Bigfoot where the servos were looking towards the outside of the body, (with links also outside) this robot has them all inside the body. The power transferring parts are also placed between the legs, inside the body almost completely hidden. The feet-up-down servo is placed at the back, facing the inside of the robot-body where it used to sit in the front of Bigfoot facing forward. The feet-forward-reward servo is placed at the front bottom, facing backwards into the robot-body where it used to sit at the rear part of The Bigfoot facing down. Where the power of the feet-forward-reward servo is transferred to the legs by means of a iron wire, in Robotrex, a rigid plywood piece is used for the same purpose. And this concludes to a robot which moves more determinently with better balance. The power of the feet-up-down servo is transferred not to the tip of the feet like it is in the Bigfoot but to the mid part of the feet resulting a...

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