Simple Transistor Amplifier Circuit Schematic and Explanation

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This circuit doesn`t work as well as it could. I made it when I had a lesser understanding of circuit design. I`ll probably make a new and improved schematic and post later on, one that has a better design. Thanks for stopping by! Note: The schematic here says antenna , but that`s because it was used specifically to amplify electrical noise in t

Simple Transistor Amplifier Circuit Schematic and Explanation
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

he environment. The circuit is explained below, and it`s easy to use as a simple signal amplifier for anything. One thing I`ve noticed about electronics is the lack of simple, newbie-friendly information on the internet about specific topics. Then again, maybe I just wasn`t looking properly. To help fill this possibly existent information gap, I`m going to post a nice, simple schematic and an explanation on what it is and how it works. This post goes along with a video that I posted. You don`t need to watch the video to understand the circuit, but the videodemonstratesthe circuit in action. Here it is: Okay, first thing: Right click on the image and open it in a new tab or window; it will make it easier to see it and compare it to what I`m writing. I will explain the function of each part of the circuit. For those who are interested, the schematic was done with the free electronics design suite, Kicad. The circuit you see here is a transistor amplifier circuit. It`s identical to the one seen in the video. This very simple circuit can be used to amplify signals of all kinds. Audio, radio, whatever. You may notice that it says To antenna . This is because in the video, it was used to amplify electrical noise. The 1. 5k resistor R1 and the 220nF capacitor C1 form a low-pass filter. A low pass filter, in brief, is a filter that only allows signals lower than the cut-off frequency to pass through. I used this because without...

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