Telephone call meter using calculator & COB

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

A simple calculator, in conjunction with a COB (chip-on-board) from an analogue quartz clock, is used to make a telephone call meter. The calculator enables conversion of STD/ISD calls to local call equivalents and always displays current local call-meter reading. The circuit is simple and presents an elegant look, with feather-touch operation. It consumes very low current and is fully battery operated.

Telephone call meter using calculator & COB
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The batteries used last more than a year. Another advantage of using this circuit is that it is compatible with any type of pulse rate format, i. e. pulse rate in whole number, or whole number with decimal value. Recently, the telephone department announced changes in pulse rate format, which included pulse rate in whole number plus decimal value. In such a case, this circuit proves very handy. To convert STD/ISD calls to local calls, this circuit needs accurate 1Hz clock pulses, generated by clock COB. This COB is found inside analogue quartz wall clocks or time-piece mechanisms. It consists of IC, chip capacitors, and crystal that one can retrieve from scrap quartz clock mechanisms. These can be purchased from watch-repairing shops for less than Rs 20. Normally, the COB inside clock mechanism will be in good condition. However, before using the COB, please check its serviceability by applying 1. 5V DC across terminals C and D, as shown in the figure. Then check DC voltage across terminals A and B; these terminals in a clock are connected to a coil. If the COB is in good condition, the multimeter needle would deflect forward and backward once every second. In fact, 0. 5Hz clock is available at terminals A and B, with a phase difference of 90o. The advantage of using this COB is that it works on a 1. 5V DC source. The clock pulses available from terminal A and B are combined using a bridge, comprising diodes D1 to D4, to...

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