Tesla transformer Project

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The project Thor was started at the High Voltage Institute of HUT (Helsinki University of Technology) on January 1999. Dr. Martti Aro is in charge of project supervision and Marco Denicolai of project development and implementation. Within this project a Tesla resonance transformer is analyzed, designed and built for study and research. This paper

Tesla transformer Project
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describes the design criteria that led to the selection of the Tesla transformer topology and size, the power supply topology and the spark gap type. Nikola Tesla was born in Smijlan, Croatia in 1856. He attended the Technical University of Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague (1879-1880). His first employment was in a government telegraph engineering office in Budapest, where he made his first invention, the loudspeaker. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and constructed his first induction motor. Tesla moved to America in 1884: in May 1885, George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, bought the patent rights to Tesla`s polyphase system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors. In 1887 Tesla established his own laboratory in New York City, where he performed countless experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, on the power of electrical resonance, and on various types of lighting. Tesla also invented fluorescent lights and a new type of steam turbine, and he became increasingly intrigued with the wireless transmission of power. A controversy between alternating current and direct current advocates raged in 1880s and 1890s, featuring Tesla and Edison as leaders in the rival camps. In Colorado Springs, where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery - terrestrial...

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