Test-Measurement 4

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

In circuit diagrams given in equipment manuals, voltages at various points in the circuit are usually marked. A deviation from these values indicates that some component has failed and eventually leads to clues for isolating the faulty areas. Specifications :- D. C. Voltage Ranges : +/- 200 mV, 2V, 20V, 200V, 2000V. Input impedance: 10 mega ohms.

Test-Measurement 4
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Circuit protection: + 2000V D. C. all ranges. Over range: 100% to 1999. Accuracy: +/- 0. 5%. A. C. Voltage Note: Average responding Ranges calibrated Read More I don`t remember if this circuit worked properly. But a few were made and i might not have shown the modifications that were done to make it work. This was meant to be a portable, low cost, insulation tester for an electrician. If you try it out and debug it it may work well. A negative voltage is derived by shifting gnd with two diodes, i feel this did not work very well. Two pins of CD4028 pins are also used to boost the reference to get two extra ranges as 4051 has a 100E on resistance. From Schematics of Read More I wanted to design a logic probe as a tutorial, but there were many good ones in the web so i have tried to design a single digit voltmeter. This circuit is a design, i am unable to test it now, later if i test it and find mistakes i will update this page. You can help me by pointing out the errors. First bear it in mind that it is a single digit voltmeter which is 0-9 counts only on the positive side, that is it can measure +0 to +9V DC +/- 1V error. That may not be Read More This Circuit helps in the monitoring of mains supply voltage. It does not use a isolation step down transformer. This has to be constructed only by skilled people with knowledge of safety requirements. C1 limits the current and drops most of the voltage. The zener regulated...

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