Touch Sensitive Musical Bell With Timer PCB

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit diagram is a UM66 based touch sensitive musical bell. The circuit is built around CMOS IC CD4011 and popular melody generator IC UM66. The circuit contains a pair of touch plates. When these are bridged by hand for a moment, the um66 starts making music. Moreover this circuit has a timer which stops the music automatically after a few

Touch Sensitive Musical Bell With Timer PCB
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

seconds. This makes the circuit, an automatic music bell. The maximum supply voltage for this circuit is 5Volts dc. However the um66 can not operate beyond 3. 3V. So three diodes 1N4148 are connected series to power the music IC UM66 because of the drop of approximately 1. 8 volts across them. You should use a voltage regulator 7805 to power this circuit.

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