USB Powered Stereo PC Multimedia Speaker

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

USB Powered, Stereo PC Multimedia Speaker Circuit Diagram. This circuit is powered by 5V DC source obtainable from the USB port of the Computer. When electrical power switch S1 is turned to on` position, 5V power supply is extended towards the circuit and power indicator red LED1 illuminates immediately. Resistor R1 is actually a current surge lim

USB Powered Stereo PC Multimedia Speaker
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iter and capacitors C1 and C4 work as buffers. This is the circuit diagram of USB powered computer speaker, or it widely known as multimedia speakers for PCs. The circuit has single-chipbased design, low-voltage electrical power supply, compatibility with USB power from computer, simple heat-sinking, inexpensive, large flexibility and wide temperature tolerance. At the heart of the circuit is IC TDA2822M. This IC is, . Nowadays, almost all computer systems have logic blocks for working with a USB port. A USB port, in practice, is capable of supplying more than 100 mA of continuous electric current at 5V to the peripherals which are hooked up with the bus. So a USB port could be utilized, without having any problems, for. Here the USB Sound Card circuit based on PCM2706 which dedicated for USB audio. With USB controller module inside PCM2706, there is no more additional programming to the IC. The computer system will automatically detect this circuit when connected tho the USB port. You will get stereo audio channel output from this circuit. Schematic: Components:. You can easily activate the LED from home electrical power line with this circuit diagram. You just need to add a nonpolar capacitor and a 1Kohm / 1W metal oxide resistor to activate the LEDs from home power line with serial connection. Note: Change the capacitor value from 0. 47uf/250V to become 0. 22uF/400V for 240VAC power. Here the Arduino UNO schematic...

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