Um232r Usb- Serial Uart Development Module

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Stepper motors that feature unipolar drives are widely used in applications that require high torque loads and fast position attainment. The unipolar operation provides stable Motor Control using a rel- atively simple firmware, as compared to bipolar drives. This Application Note discusses the use of a typi- cal 8-wire or 6-wire stepper motor, in

Um232r Usb- Serial Uart Development Module
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the unipolar mode of operation, with a Z8 Encore! ® microcon- troller. Also discussed are the practical aspects of the full- step and half-step methods of driving a stepper motor, as well as a complete hardware and soft- ware implementation using the Z8 Encore! ® MCU. A simple schematic using readily-available compo- nents, along with the full source code in C, is used to implement a stepper driver. This basic hardware and software combination CAN be incorporated into larger control circuits with suitable modifications. Z8 Encore! ® Flash MCU Overview Zilog`s Z8 Encore! ® products are based on the new eZ8 CPU and introduce Flash memory to Zilog`s extensive line of 8-bit Microcontrollers Flash memory in-circuit programming capability allows for faster development time and program changes in the field. The high-performance register-to-reg- ister based architecture of the eZ8 core maintains backward compatibility with Zilog`s popular Z8 MCU.

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