Vacuum Fluorescent Device Regenerative Receiver

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This little project arose from a desire to experiment with some of the more `traditional` methods of radioconstruction which enjoyed popularity some 70 years ago. I wanted to find out for myself what kind of performance could be achieved using simple circuits incorporating Valves/Vacuum Tubes and low budget design techniques popular in the 1930`s.

Vacuum Fluorescent Device Regenerative Receiver
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

In particular I was curious to try out "Spider" coils and a Regenerative Detector using a low-mu (low gain) triode as the active device. There is a great deal of "folklore" surrounding regenerative receivers with claims of exceptionally good performance from these simple designs. For the most part these claims are well justified. Its true to say that a well constructed regen receiver of good design will give pleasing performance. Over the yearsa number of regen receivers have been constructed here at M0AYF for both broadcast and ham radio reception usingvacuum tubes and/or solid state devices. Icanconfirm that they do indeed perform as advertised. But most of the receiversbuilt herehad taken advantage of using modern components and construction techniques so it was interesting to build the "retro" receiver using more traditional construction techniques and then to compare the performance to that of newer designs. In order to remain as faithful as possible to the traditional methods of construction and technology available in the 1930`s it was decided that low-mu (low gain) triodes would be used for the various stages of the receiver. Though I have a small quantity of 1930`s triode valves/tubes in the M0AYF junk-box the decision was made to save these for a future "retro" project. So a suitableactive device to serve as a replacement for the low-mu triodes had to be found. Physical inspection of the internal construction of...

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