Vu meter stereo circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This simple circuit is based on the well-known integrated circuit LM3915. The main characteristic of this integrated circuit is its power to manage 10 LED-s (Light Emitting Diodes) in logarithmic scale with a difference between the 3dB LED-s, which it can turn on the slash  or on the dot . The other integrated circuit, the CA3130 is in charge

Vu meter stereo circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

of amplifying and rectifying the audio signal to the entrance of LM3915. To adjust the vu-meter to 0dB, we can download any free programme for Windows which will generate BF, , for example, which doesn`t even need to be installed. With the exit adjusted to 1000 Hz and 0dB in the sine  mode, we shall move the trimmer R1 until the seventh led of our assembly is lit on, and it will correspond with 0dB. If we wish the LED-s to turn on the slash , we`ll have to short-circuit the jumper of the circuit marked as B/P. When the jumper is open, the LED-s are lit on the dot , one by one.

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