When abstract logic circuits get translated to the electrical equivilant how are conversions from 0 to 1 handled

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The basic problem for me is that gates on a logic circuit appear to be creating power from nothing, which is impossible. For example imagine two NOT gates connected in sequence: To my uninitiated mind what seems to be happening is that the first NOT gate cuts the power to the second NOT gate, which responds by magically conjuring new power out of thin air and sending it on it`s way. The only explanation

When abstract logic circuits get translated to the electrical equivilant how are conversions from 0 to 1 handled
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I can come up with feels a bit redundant and absurd (That every single gate on the diagram is implied to be directly connected to a power source) The closest I`ve come to an answer is something to do with changing the "signal" from "high" to "low" but again, I`m not familiar enough with the language. It still suffers from the same problem, if you`ve got a low signal how is it that a NOT gate can turn it into a high one without directly drawing on a power source To wrap up and present the question in all it`s rookie glory: How do logic gates physically convert 0 to 1 without violating the law of conservation of energy

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