Wogglebug circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

I added a second RM output and a sync input to the 555. The latter is based off of one of Rene Schmitz VCOs. ( ) ok, thank you. i asked because on the two PCB pictures above there are e. g. two transistors without any specification. the wiard schematics contains one of them and the other one i guess i`ll have to look for in the VCO3 circuit you mentioned. ok, thank you. i asked because on the two PCB pictures

Wogglebug circuit
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above there are e. g. two transistors without any specification. the wiard schematics contains one of them and the other one i guess i`ll have to look for in the VCO3 circuit you mentioned. As far as the capacitor types go i am resonably comfortable that C denotes ceramic, P is poly (-styrene -ester -propelyene ), T is tantalum. But what give with the FP and NP designations There are 4 pairs of pads left blank, I am imagining that several are for returns to V+/- and ground for some of the pots Is this correct There is a pair open just north of the 398, one side grounded the other jumpered to V-. Does anyone have a handy list of the names for the potentiometers I have been trying to work it out from the block diagram on the Wiard site to no avail. It would also seem that Grant`s production model has a good bit more packed into it than his basic schem shows, such as the disturb CVs and a bunch of lovely LEDs. any leads on these extras As far as the capacitor types go i am resonably comfortable that C denotes ceramic, P is poly (-styrene -ester -propelyene ), T is tantalum. But what give with the FP and NP designations There are 4 pairs of pads left blank, I am imagining that several are for returns to V+/- and ground for some of the pots Is this correct There is a pair open just north of the 398, one side grounded the other jumpered to V-. Does anyone have a handy list of the names for the potentiometers I have been trying...

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