analog to digital converter pic

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The G‚result of the lcd is not correct the thermometer does not show the room temperature but show the 414 degree then i need to know where is the problem is it in the hex file or in the sensor note (i connect vref+ on5v . and vref- on 0v) thanks for your care hi can you teach me a code for a IR motor speed control. using a program which can read a increment or decrement of

analog to digital converter pic
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speed and will vary the speed of the motor. The increment and decrement is based on the transmitter part of the IR transmitter. thanks a lot and also there is a LED that will indicate the degree or level how fast the speed of the motor. for example. when you turn on the device, there is only one LED that is on, then when the increment button is pressed, the second LED will turn on. When the decrement button is pressed, the second LED will turn off and will return to only one LED is on. Hii In every tutorial different frequency of crystal has been used. but my board contains only 20Mhz crystal . but how will it be posssible to use different frequency crystal at the same for the two applications which are going to be perfermed simultaneously. hi my company have given me a task to create analog to digital converter with max input voltage 12v and min input voltage 5v. but the output must be in 2 bit. meaning that if input 12 v, the output will be 11 and so on. can u help me Hi, I have gone through your volt and currnet measurement. I have voltage range from 0-50 and current range from 0-1A. As per you calculation presented I get very poor resolution. Can you please explain how to get better resolution through the range using 10 Bit ADC Hi albhee, 0xff (HEX) = 11111111 (BIN) = 75643210 (Ports number), if you want only one 00000001 = port 0 input also if want anhother 00001000 = port 3 input.

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