
Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Circuits of this kind are intended to drive LED Arrays in order to create more visibility and conspicuity when a vehicle is stopped or stopping. This circuit, in particular, will emit a visual alerting signal of 4 short flashes, followed by a steady on light that remains steady on as long as the brakes are applied. IC1 internal oscillator generate

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s a square wave whose frequency is divided 64 times by the flip-flops contained in the chip in order to obtain about 1 to 4Hz at pin #4: this is the LED Array flashing frequency and can be set to the desired value by means of R3. A positive signal at D1 Cathode stops the oscillator after 5 pulses are counted. C2 and R1 automatically reset the IC whenever the brakes are applied. Q1 is the LED Array driver: LEDs will be on when pin #4 of IC1 goes low.

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