autotronics injector circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The above diagram shows the different links to theinputs and outputs of each operational-amplifier from the power source and how each operation amplifier is wired to operate each seperate light emitting diode. Also shows calculations to obtaining each resistor value which is shown in previous blog. The above equipment was used to to supply voltage

autotronics injector circuit
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to the sensor input of the oxygen sensor circuit. This was used to test the oxygen sensor circuit by turning one of the dials on the machine which would send different votage signals to the sensor input, depending on the amount of voltage you turned the DC power supply would determine which circuit of the oxygen sensor would operate. This machine was used to simulate the throttle of a vehicle. the higher you turned the dial would simulate you putting your foot down on the accelerator. Starting with a 12 volt power supply voltage flows through the diode which leaves available vlotage of 11. 4 as it causes a 0. 6 voltage dropto the resistor (r5) to the 9. 1volt zener diode and capacitor. the capacitors are put in the circuit to prevent voltage surges and to keep a steady voltage flow. Also from the power supply, after diode it has a connection to the op-amp before the resistor (r5) to pin 4 of the op-amp, that is known as the positive voltage rain of the op-amp. From the zener diode it voltage flows to the next resistor (r6) but because of the zener thier is only 9. 1volts availabe. after the resistor it breaks off to pin 2 of the first op-amp and then pin 5 of the second op-amp, and because of the resistance put in the circuit we have 0. 63 volts available at both pin 2 and pin 5. In a straight connection after r6 and after pin 2 and pin 5 inputs voltage flows to the next resistor (r8) which then connects to pin 10 of the...

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