balanced ground

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Seems to me it uses at least as much power and at least as many components as a 4 channel balanced amp. it may well sound realy good and its quite clever, but does seem like a lot of trouble to go to `to travel the path less travelled` all the sameit really is quite interesting, so i`ll be watching on to see how it goes, you may think its easier to do with discrete SS devices like jfets, but opamps are

balanced ground
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basically made for this kind of job, so use them to the fullest IMO and there are some really nice sounding ones these days too, if well implemented Why would you need to double the ground channel You`re tapping two sets of wires off it, so your voltage is the same in each except now you have two of them, so it all balances out. just because there is 2 wires does not mean there is double the signal strength, the way I see it you would indeed need to either double the channel, or double the signal strength and tap twice; tapping a single channel twice will simply give you half the signal strength on each wire Er. we`re tapping a voltage signal correct Tapping it twice does not diminish that signal. The channel will need to pump out more power since it`s feeding both sides, but the signal remains the same. An issue I see though is that since loading is complex and impedance changes with signal, things might imbalance. but I guess this is a problem inherent in a normal setup anyways and isn`t something that can be accounted for (at least not with my limited knowledge of amp and headphone design). Doing it this way means we tap the original L and R three times each. Resistor values (all relative) chosen for simplicity and so that all three present the same load (I think), though I have no idea if that makes a difference going into an opamp. Alternatively (and I don`t know if this is better or not), create the G` signal then...

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