dc motor 12v speed controller circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A very simple encoder circuit for a dc motor can be constructed using this circuit diagram. As you can see in the circuit diagram, the system shown consists of the HA-2542, a small 12-Vdc motor, and a position encoder. During operation, the encoder causes a series of constant-width` pulses to charge CI. The integrated pulses develop a reference

dc motor 12v speed controller circuit
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voltage, which is propor £ional to motor speed and is applied to the inverting input of HA-2542, The noninverting input is held at a constant voltage, which represents the desired motor speed. A difference between these two inputs will send a corrected drive signal to the motor, which completes the speed control system loop. As you can see the circuit requires few external components, but because of the encoder wheel it has a limitations of use. If you put a pulley under the encoder wheel you can command the speed of other device, by connecting the (motor and other device ) using a belt

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