electronic dice

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The 555 astable board uses a 555 timer in its astable configuration. This means that it outputs a square wave or a series of high and low signals. The speed that the signal goes high and low is set by the capacitor C1 and variable resistor R3. The board is designed to make a tone so will be switching quickly on and off which is just what`s require

electronic dice
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d for the 7 segment dice. The purpose of the 555 timer is to generate a clock signal whenever the switch is pressed. When this happens the 7 segment will be clocked through the various numbers. The circuit diagram of the 555 astable circuit is shown below: The counter selected is a binary coded decimal four bit up down counter (4510B). This means that it can either count up from zero to nine or down from 9 to 0 and that the output of this is indicated in binary. The diagram above shows how the counter operates when clocked, the solid line indicating a clock when set to up and the dotted line shows the step when clocked in the down mode. The second number in each of the boxes is the binary representation of the data that will be present on the counter outputs Q3 to Q0. The chip has a Terminal Count (TC) output, this is normally present to allow one counter to trigger another counter when the count wraps around. This pin can however be used to reset the counter itself. The pin is active low so will be low: if counting up - when it reaches nine or if counting down when it reaches zero. The chip also has a Parallel Load (PL) function. When the PL pin is taken high the data on the inputs P3 to P0 are loaded into the counter. This functionality can be used to reload the counter with any value. So it is possible to load six and count down. When zero is reached the TC pin will change from high to low and this can be used to reload...

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