guitar and bass tuner

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The heart of the circuit is IC2, a 50240 top-octave generator. That device uses a single input-frequency to generate all twelve notes of the musical scale. The input signal is provided by IC1, a 4001 quad 2-input NOR gate. Two sections of that IC are used to form an oscillator that runs at approximately 2 MHz. The frequency can be adjusted by trim

guitar and bass tuner
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mer potentiometer R2. Dual D flip-flops, IC3-IC7, are used as frequency dividers. They divide down the upper-octave frequencies from IC2, thus generating the lower-frequency notes required for the pitch references. The chords for the bass pitch-references are composed of three notes each. Those notes are taken from various outputs of IC2-IC7 through isolation diodesD1-D12. All signals are routed to the TONE switch, S3. The wiper arm of that switch is connected through R7 to the input of audio power-amplifier IC8, an LM386. The resistor acts as a volume control for the pitch reference. Another LM386, IC9, serves as an amplifier for the instrument being tuned, with RIO acting as its volume control. The outputs of IC8 and IC9 are coupled, through C5 and C12 respectively, to the headphone jack, J1. Switch S2 STEREO/MONO is used to mix the reference and instrument signals at IC9 for mono operation. Power is supplied by eight `AA` cells connected in series.

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