halloween build part 3 full schematic

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Below you can see the rest of the schematic integrated with the voltage regulator from my last post. As I explained previously, the PIC16F690 is the brains of my system. This PIC is a mid-range option for hobbyists and has much more functionality than I made use of in this project. I originally thought I would make better use of it when I was in t

halloween build part 3 full schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

he planning stages but everyone who has been following me knows how things turned out. You can see in the schematic I left 15 of the 20 pins open, which is a colossal waste of space. A better controller to use would have been the ATTiny10 from Atmel or a 6 pin micro from Microchip. Even the 16F84 that I had lying around could have saved some space and provided the same functionality (flashing an LED). I was able to program the chip using an in-circuit configuration with a PICKit 2 and could have included programming headers in the design if I intended to reprogram these devices in the future. I have included another schematic of the in-circuit setup I used for the programming. You can substitute a small signal diode for the 47kohm resistor if that is handier for you. From what I can gather this setup is pretty standard across different families of microcontrollers and you can integrate this header into your printed circuit board design for on-the-fly reprogramming. You just have to make sure that the circuit isn`t operating while you are trying to program it and that no power is supplied to the programming pins when you do want to test the circuit. This is less of a problem if you don`t have anything else connected to pin RA3 (configuration specific). The software is brain dead simple and written in C using the MPLABX IDE from Microchip (GUI pictured below). All it does is call a delay function by passing an integer to...

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