how to build 2 stage mains power

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

In this power stabilizer circuit, one relay is wired to select the high or the low tap from the stabilizer transformer at some particular voltage level; whereas the second relay keeps the normal mains voltage switched in, but the moment there`s a voltage fluctuation it toggles and selects the appropriate HOT tap via the first relay contacts. A simple power stabilizer circuit discussed here is very easy to build and

how to build 2 stage mains power
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

yet is able to provide a 2-stage correction of the input mains. A simple method of converting a normal transformer into a stabilizer transformer has also been discussed using circuit schematics. Basically the idea here is to make relay #1 switch at two different mains voltage extremes (high and low), which are considered not suitable for the appliances. This switching enables this relay to select an appropriately conditioned voltage from another relay through its N/C contacts. The contacts of this second relay #2 makes it sure that it selects a appropriate voltages from the stabilizer transformer and keeps it ready for the relay #1 whenever it toggles during dangerous voltage levels. At normal voltages, relay #1 remains activated and selects the normal voltage through its N/O contacts. As long as the voltage is normal, T1 stays switched off. Consequently T2 at this moment remains switched on. Relay #1 is activated, and its N/O contacts connect the NORMAL AC to the appliance. If the voltage tends to rise, T1 slowly conducts, and at a certain level (decided by the setting of P1), T1 fully conducts and shuts off T1 and relay #1. The relay immediately connects the corrected (lowered) voltage supplied by relay #2 through its N/C contacts to the output. Now, in case of a low voltage T1 and T2 both will stop conducting, producing the same result as above, but this time the supplied voltage from relay #2 to relay #1 will be high,...

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