inverter for household appliance

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Already generated a voltage of 30 volts by using frequency generator and frequency to voltage converter, which stored in battery. Now I want to do inverter by taking 12v and convert it to 220v. What is the solution That`s a great idea and I`m also working on one such project of converting DC solar power generated by solar panels to AC power that can be used for daily uses. Basic

inverter for household appliance
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inverter circuit consists of a DC source connected to the primary winding of a transformer through the center tap and a switching mechanism is provided to generate alternate currents in the secondary winding of the transformer. In earlier days they used mechanical switches but now we use electronic switches by using transistors. Thus we need to connect two transistors and bias them in such a way that only one is active at a time whereas other one remains inactive. You can play with biasing resistors to enhance the efficiency of the inverter. Suppose you have a 5A/12-0-12 Volt transformer. If you will feed any oscillating signal of 12 volt signal at its primary winding the output will be 220V. You can use any oscillator circuit using transistors, IC 555 or any digital ICs. The output watt depends on the current supplied at primary(input) of the transformer. To feed high current 5A at input you must need a power driver circuit using any transistor like 3055 or MOSFET based. In that case you can generate a 220V, <=60 Watt ( apx depending on the efficiency of transformer) output. Please see the attachment for more detail.

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