lantern dimmer circuit

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Here the circuit diagram of Lantern dimmer/flasher designed by Tony Van Roon: Electronic parts List: R1 = 100K R2 = 100K R3 = 100K R4 = 100K R5 = 3K9 R6 = 3K9 R7 = 470 R8 = 100 R9 = 220, 1/2 watt P1 = 5K C1, C3 = 10uF/16V C2 = 0. 01uF, ceramic T1. This simple 220V light dimmer circuit can be used to adjust the brightness of mains lights. It also ca

lantern dimmer circuit
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n be used to adjust the speed of AC motors. It uses a triac, diac and has a radio-frequency interference (RFI) noise suppression circuit built into it as well. Schematic diagram: Component part: R1 = 10K R2. Here the 220V AC lamp touch dimmer circuit. By only touching this touch dimmer you are able to increase the light intensity of incandescent lamps in three stages. The touch dimmer is designed all around 8-pin CMOS IC TT8486A/TT6061A especially produced for touch dimmer applications. In the beginning, when mains switch is "on", the lamp. This is a 220V LED flasher circuit which is intended as a reliable replacement to thermally-activated switches used for Christmas tree lamp-flashing. This a cheap circuit and easy to build. Schematic diagram: Component Parts: R1_ 100K R2, R5_ 1K R3, R6_ 470R R4_ 12K C1_ 1000 µF 25V D1-D4_ 1N4007 D5_ SCR P0102D Q1_ BC327 Q2_ BC337 SK1_. This is the 200W lamp flasher circuit diagram. The frequency/speed of the lamp flashing can be adjust with the range of 1Hz to 5Hz. You can use the PR1 variable resistor (trimpot) to adjust the flashing speed. The duty cycle of lamp flashing can be adjusted using PR2 variable resistor. The DC input power supply.

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