led array schematic

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Im pursuing a homemade photography LED array. Ideally, the LED array will be 6 series 5 parallel. (24 volts @ 1000mA per row). Each LED row is a different wavelength, together they make up the whole spectrum. Each LED row I want to have adjustable so you can adjust the color temperature and enhance the photo. They do already exist but there not ve

led array schematic
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ry powerful, besides I wanna make one for fun. But I ran into a problem with figuring out how to dim them. Potentiometers in series with each array will burn up to much electricity. I`m still learning how to draw schematics. Will this work at all From your schematic it looks like you have AC going to your LEDs. You need DC. You might want to share your LED types as different LEDs have different voltage drops, so to make sure we need to know this. If they are really 1 amp LEDs the pot is probably not the best option because of the power. I figured I would need some sort of voltage or current regulator. I`m proficient in soldering, is there a schematic I can follow and make my own All the LED`s fV is 3. 6 @ 1A. (ive stressed them to 4v with no problem if heatsinked). 1. Yes, you could do what you have sketched, replacing the rheostats with adjustable voltage regulators (LM317-type thingies). However, as was pointed out in the other thread referenced above, you`re going to end up wasting a lot of power as heat. So. 2. The mo` betta` way to do this would be to use PWM. Don`t worry, doesn`t have to be all that scary and complicated. I`ve built simple PWM controllers using a single 555 and a transistor (plus a few resistors, etc. ). Very little power wasted, and better control over brightness, especially at the lower end of the scale. 3. I like the idea of mixing different colors of LEDs to see what the result is. You`re going to...

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