lm1596 single sideband ssb suppressed carrier demodulator

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A very simple single sideband (SSB) suppressed carrier demodulator (product detector) circuit can be designed using the LM1596 balanced modulator-demodulators IC. The carrier signal is applied to the carrier input port with sufficient amplitude for switching operation. A carrier input level of 300 mVrms is optimum. The composite SSB signal is app

lm1596 single sideband ssb suppressed carrier demodulator
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

lied to the signal input port with an amplitude of 5. 0 to 500 mVrms. All output signal components except the desired demodulated audio are filtered out, so that an offset adjustment is not required. This circuit may also be used as an AM detector by applying composite and carrier signals in the same manner as described for product detector operation.

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