mic circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This tour, available in Stainless DIL 8 legs, can measure 4 analog voltage independent between 0 and 5 volts, and send the result of this measure in the form of four characters on a standard asynchronous serial link. Its serial output is directly TTL or CMOS compatible and can be connected to a serial input RS 232 by simply adding a resistor. The

mic circuit
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MIC 640 can operate in automatic mode, thus sending the result of four steps every second, or in command mode, in which case it sends the result of four measures under the control of external logic signal. In this latter method that we use here. Its consumption is extremely low, it is possible to feed signals from the unused serial port RS 232, subject of course not to waste the little energy available in external circuits involved too greedy. This circuit, easily available in France, costs less than 18 euro which makes it an ideal candidate for this achievement we will find the schema without tarder. Si you want more information about the MIC 640;`s complete data sheet entirely in French, is available for download by clicking this link. The heart of the module is obviously the MIC 640, spotted IC1 on the figure below. It is directly connected to the serial input RS 232 PC via limiting resistor R1 current. His entry called CTRL to define its mode of operation. Left to the body, it makes it automatically perform a conversion on each input per second, whereas if it is reduced to levels as high as in this case, it triggers a conversion of each entry at each grounding. These earthed take place through the transistor Q1 controlled by the serial data output TXD of RS 232, via the diode D4. This same output is through the diode D3 and this time the capacitor C3, to produce the negative supply voltage of the input stage that we...

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