non musical endeavors

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

There are other chips or programs that do blanking and fading in from the side which is a cool effect. Like the signs at the ballpark. I don`t think this one does that particular trick but I intend to find out! The clock goes into slot machine  mode every n minutes to avoid the dreaded cathode poisoning (of your cat). The second one was two 1-2W

non musical endeavors
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Velleman mini amplifiers with improvised mics and small loudspeakers as earphones, driven with a 9V battery. It was loud enough to work in 100km/h, not much more but we were using earplugs. It is not very quiet to drive fast with a mc. randy909, I think when you use a quality preamp you begin to realize how crappy most of the consumer stuff really is. Think about it, if you buy a mackie it has 16 pres in it and eqs and busses and sends etc for the price of 1 quality pre. That should say everything right there. I`ve used mackies and similar for years so I have nothing against them but getting a quality stereo pair is essential in my opinion. I would say that using a consumer pre is actually degrading the signal. A good preamp can make an sm57 sound phenomenal. I`m sure they make a world of difference with microphones, but I was wondering about your experiences with running synths through them. Are they the secret to that big  sound, or do they just add a little top-end sweetness Maybe the difference (compared to your mixer) is more obvious when you push them a little bit, or a lot. Or maybe line-level is line-level and there difference is very slight I was trying to get the Russian driver chip to work but couldn`t unravel the mystery today. I thought all I had to do was ground or supply a small amount of voltage to each of the four input pins on the IC. The combination of lo/hi on these pins determines which cathode of the...

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