pic 16f887 based digital thermometer

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The hardware configuration when using multiple 1-Wire temperature sensors like the DS1820 is very simple, as illustrated in the block diagram below. A single-wire bus is used for communication between the microcontroller and the temperature sensor. It is also possible to power the devices direclty via this 1-Wire bus. An almost unlimited number of

pic 16f887 based digital thermometer
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1-WireTM devices can be connected to the bus because each device has a unique 64-bit ROM code identifier which is used to address each sensor. Temperature measurement is one of the most common tasks performed by the microcontroller. A DS1820 sensor is used for measurement here. It is capable of measuring temperature in the range of -55 °C to 125 °C with 0. 5 °C accuracy. For the purpose of transferring data to the microcontroller, a special type of serial communication called 1-wire is used. Due to a simple and wide use of these sensors, commands used to run and control them are in the form of functions stored in the One_Wire library. There are three functions in total: Concretely, you don`t have to study documentation provided by the manufacturer in order to use this sensor. It is sufficient to copy some of these functions in the program.

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