pmw driver circuit class d amp

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

One of the critical components is a pwm speed controller, so that i can finely adjust my speed rather than just having an `on` mode that runs balls to the wall. That way may be fun for a little while but I value my life. lol PWM - I bought a basic stamp microcontroller a while back that came with a breadboard built into it. This is the sort of controller that they sell to schools to

pmw driver circuit class d amp
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learn microcontrollers and all of their functions. I have had a blast tinkering with it, and recently realized that it had a pwm function on it. so I set up a circuit using pwm that references a capacitor timer circuit controlled with a pot. So as I turn the pot, I increase or decrease the pwm. I threw a LED into the mix to see the results, and it works like a charm. Very simple, but to a newb like me, I was quite pleased with myself. When I finish my project I will buy a more permanent microcontroller that doesn`t have the bread board, but its a good starting point to see what I can do. So now I have a signal that is adjustable through a pot, now what I need is an amplifier to increase this signal to a useful output. This is where it all gets a little hazy for me and my ignorance really shows through. I posted on another forum more specialized to E-biking and got a good response to some of my questions, however they raised more. I understand that the next stage after the pwm mcu, is a driver" circuit (an IC) called FET drivers, or gate drivers, WHAT IS THIS lol, more aptly where can I read up on this subject. I also understand that many speed controllers use an H bridge for forwards, backwards, regen braking forwards, and regen braking backwards. This is getting way ahead of me and not really worth my investigation. I really only need forwards. Can I use just one driver, and one large power switching mosfet connected to...

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