simple 200 watt amplifier

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The PWM controlled modified sine wave inverter circuit presented here uses just a single 4093 for the specified functions. The IC consists of four NAND gates, out of which two are wired up as oscillators while the remaining two as buffers. The oscillators are integrated in such a way that the high frequency from one of the oscillators interacts wi

simple 200 watt amplifier
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th the output of the other, generating chopped square waves whose RMS value can be well optimized to match the regular sine waveforms. Inverter designs are not always easy to understand or build, especially so when its as complex as modified sine wave types. However the concept discussed here utilizes just a single IC 4093 for handling all the required complications. Lets learn how simple it is to build. The proposed design of a 200 watt modified sine wave inverter obtains its modified output by discretely cutting  the basic square wave pulses into smaller sections of rectangular pulses. The function resembles to a PWM control, commonly associated with IC 555. However, here the duty cycles cannot be varied separately and is kept equal throughout the available variation range. The limitation does not affect the PWM function by much, since here we are only concerned in keeping the RMS value of the output close to its sine wave counter, which is executed satisfactory through the existing configuration. The pulses generated from this oscillator stage are square waves which forms the basic driving pulses of the circuit. N3 and N4 are wired up as buffers and are used for driving the output devices in tandem. We can easily use the above pulses solely for driving our inverter, but the result would be an ordinary square wave inverter, not suitable for operating sophisticated electronic gadgets. Therefore, the idea is to modify the...

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