solar charge

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

An unconventional, scalable high efficiency 12V solar power system and battery charge controller withlow voltage cutout to protect thebattery. (ideal for systems of 50W or less) This circuit was designed for small to medium lead acid systems and feature a lowish idle current ( 5mA ) which increases battery life on small capacity systems. All the p

solar charge
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arts in this design are through hole parts and can be found from a number of sources. None of the parts need programing and only a voltmeter and an adjustable supply is needed to calibrate the board. This makes it easy andcheap to build and maintain. Maximum power point tracking controllers are basically microprocessor controlled switch mode converters that vary the duty cycle up and down, hunting for the panel voltage that relates tothe maximum power output of the Photo Voltaic cells. These converters currently provide the highestconversion efficiency. They dynamically adjust to allowfor changes in environmental conditions. An example would be if your battery is at 11V and the solar panel currently provides the optimum power at 15V, the MPPT would take in 15V at say 4A (60w) and provide the battery with 11V at 4, 9A (53. 9W) this includes a loss of 10% in the conversion. The same panel when connected directly may only put out 11V at 4, 2A (46. 2W). A microprocessor is inevitably needed and the circuit is generally more complex, this makes for a circuit that is less repairable and maintainable by its users that now require additional skills. If you accept the additional complexity, or was never going to builds, repair or maintain your system yourself, the only reasonto choose or not to chooseMPPT is monetary cost. Assuming you are paying 3$ / Watt for yourpanel. If your MPPT converter is going to cost$35 more than a simple...

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