spider prog content

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The avr-gcc/binutils combination is able to provide Intel Hex files, suitable for upload to an AVR uC using sp12. More about that in the Linux section below. If you will be using assembly, then the next thing you want is an assembler, to convert your human-readable assembly into uC-readable machine code. Tom Mortensen has written a pretty go

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od one, which is available for Dos as well as Linux. You`ll find it on his page: AVR Studio: AVR Studio 4 is the new professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing and debugging AVR applications in Windows 9x/NT/2000 environments. AVR Studio 4 supports the following AVR development tools: ICE50, JTAGICE, ICE200, STK500/501/502 and AVRISP. IAR AVR Assembler: Archive Containing the IAR Assembler Version 1. 50 for the AVR family of microcontrollers. Fully featured command line assembler. Includes Linker and Librarian. Compatible with AVR Studio. Documentation inlcluded in PDF format. The final item on the list is a programmer, to upload the code to the uC. You will need this no matter what language you use. A convenient, fully documented programmer wasn`t available, so we wrote one ourselves. Here you have the diagram for a little board containing just a a zip-socket for the uC, perhaps a crystal or resonator (but there will often be an internal RC clock) and very few other parts, as used by our programmer: Note that the parallel ports of modern PC`s usually provide a rather modest voltage, around 3. 5V. Quite enough for low voltage AVR uC`s, but some devices really do require more, an example being the ATMega161. But the software is just as suitable for `in circuit` programming. In that case, the target board must allow free access to MOSI, MISO, SCK and Reset. A 10K resistor between the reset pin and Vcc...

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