standard operational amplifier op amp circuits

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This scan is from my old ETI Circuits #2 from the 70 ²s. It`s about the best op-amp info you are likely to find. With a bit of knowledge, these six circuits are an instant ready-reckoner and allow you to do almost anything! If you want to learn then they are ideal to have sat next to a larger circuit to help with the comprehension process. Like y

standard operational amplifier op amp circuits
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

our mixer project! BTW, how`s it going with that Because of some recent site activity, I`ve checked and realised a picture was missing from a previous post here: so I`ve updated that and added a bit of info from the same mag above. There`s shedloads in it. I can see why I never chucked it out now! I`ve found someone here in Australia with the same disposition as me check the circuits! Nice and simple, and you`ll get that authentic analogue sound, as well as getting some understanding along the way. Most of this sort of information I vigorously used and modified (along with other stuff, of course), to make our Crawling Chaos hardware. So it does work! :-D

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