super psycho

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The schematic of the updated power filtering on the R2 PCBs. One of each of the 100n capacitors could be replaced with 10n, or even 220pF to improve the spread of response times to spikes. The Super Psycho Modulation Source is a fairly simple circuit with a lot of repetition. The circuit consists of several distinct blocks. The first are the oscil

super psycho
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lators, each based on a section of a 40106 hex schmitt inverter and their associated components. The switch allows extra capacitance to be added, reducing the speed of the oscillator to a lower range. The same switch allows the capacitor to be bypassed to the negative rail via a protection resistor, disabling the oscillator, and setting its output to near 0 volts. The 1M pots specified allow the upper frequency range to extend over a large portion of the audio spectrum, and in the lower frequency position, to extend from sub-audio to low audio frequencies. Two of the oscillators are equipped with voltage followers that follow the the roughly triangular shape of the wave present on the oscillator capacitors. The 100k and 470k resistors on the output, when coupled to the virtual ground summing node of the following mixer, via the switch, correct the amplitude and offset of the triangle wave. The next block is a traditional op amp inverting mixer stage. Signals from the six oscillators are mixed through 470k resistors, the overall gain controlled by a 100k pot in the feedback path of the op amp. What is interesting here is that in order to keep the output signal of the mixer positive without the need for an additional inverting stage, the chip used to build the six oscillators is powered from the negative rail, it`s positive power pin connected to 0V and its earth pin connected to -15V. Take special note of this, because it is...

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