three phases DC voltage regulation power supply control cipher scheme of LTC3731H

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Linear whether three phases step down voltage regulation power control unit of the switch synchronously in LTC3731H of Company, can drive connecting the power N-MOSFET of all, specified the intersection of operating temperature and up to 140 the intersection of C. and the intersection of three-phase and the intersection of control device and every operating frequency

 three phases DC voltage regulation power supply control cipher scheme of LTC3731H
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of phase up to 600kHz, export 120 quadrature 90 three phases, last degree three-phase current /- 5%, VREF precision is on C of 140 degrees /- 2%, mainly used in car electron and industrial power, DC/DC power of big Tap. This text introduce the intersection of LTC3731H and key feature, block-diagram and the intersection of typical application and circuit, including high-current the intersection of 55A and three phases step down circuit diagram of converter, three phases 65A power circuit diagram, 2. 5V/100A power circuit diagram and three phases 50V/3A boost converter circuit diagram. The LTC 3731H is a PolyPhase synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that drives all N-channel external power MOSFET stages in a phase-lockable fixed frequency architecture. The LTC3731H is rated for operation up to 140 degree C junction temperature. The 3-phase controller drives its output stages with 120 degree phase separation at frequencies up to 600kHz per phase to minimize the RMS current losses in both the input and output filter capacitors. The 3-phase technique effectively triples the fundamental frequency, improving transient response while operating each controller at an optimal frequency for efficiency a nd ease of thermal design. Light load efficiency is optimized by using a choice of output Stage Shedding or Burst Mode operation. The precision reference supports output voltages from 0. 6V to 6V. Current foldback...

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