vhf rf preamp 100 175 mhz with max2633

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This is the diagram of VHF RF Preamp circuit 100-175 MHz with single chip MAX2633. The circuit can be used for the entire VHF broadcast and PMR band (100-175 MHz) which can be easily construct without any special test equipment. The grounded-gate configuration is inherently stable without any neutralization if appropriate PCB layout techniques are

vhf rf preamp 100 175 mhz with max2633
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

employed. The performance of the amplifier is quite good. The noise figure is below 2 dB and the gain is over 13 dB. The low noise figure and good gain will help car radios or home stereo receivers pick up the lower-power local or campus radio stations, or distant amateur VHF stations in the 2-metres band. Due to the so-called threshold effect, FM receivers loose signals abruptly so if your favourite station fades in and out as you drive, this RF amplifier can cause a dramatic improvement. MAX2633 are low-voltage, low-noise amplifiers for use from VHF to microwave frequencies. Operating from a single +2. 7V to +5. 5V power supply voltage, these devices have a flat gain response to 900MHz. Their low noise figure and low supply current make them ideal for receive, buffer, and transmit IF applications. MAX2633 feature a shutdown pin that allows them to be powered down to less than 1 A supply current.

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